Monday, September 24, 2012

The Odd Thing

The odd thing was that when he kissed her cheek, she felt like a stranger. He never longed for her anymore, and now her perfume was an unfamiliar smell. pucelage puce puccoon pubigerous puberulent pubarche psychurgy psychrophobia psychrophilic psychrometer psychrometer psychrolusia psychotheism psychroaesthesia psychotaxis psychosophy psychosomatic psychophysics psychorrhagy psychopathology psychomorphism psychopannychism psychometry psychomancy psychomachy psychograph psychogram psychogony psychognosy psychogenetics psychogenesis psychofugal psychodynamic psychobiology psychism psychiasis psychalgia psychagogue psychagogic psophometer psychaesthesia psomophagy psoas psittacism psittacine psittacine psithurism psilothrum psilosophy psilosis pseudosophy psilanthropism pseudosopher pseudosmia pseudoptics pseudopsia pseudophonia pseudomorph pseudomania pseudologue pseudology pseudologia pseudolatry pseudolalia pseudogyny pseudography pseudochronism pseudodox pseudochromaesthesia pseudoblepsis pseudoautochiria pseudepiscopy pseudepigrapha pseudepigraphy pseudaposematic pseudandry pseudaesthesia pseudacusis psephomancy psephocracy psephology psephitic psellism psammous psammophile psammite psaltery psalmodist psalmody psalligraphy pruritus prurigo prurient prunt pruniferous prunella pruinose proxysm proximo proxenete proxemics provine providore provenient provenance proveditor provection protreptic provand protopathy prototrophic protoplast protomorphic protolithic protogenist protocolist protogenic protistology prothonotary prothalamion protestation protervity protensive protension protean protanopia protasis protactic prosyllogism prosy prostyle prospice